Unique Processes

Historical General Ledger Conversion

The Multi-Dimensional Data Conversion Solution™ is a platform-independent process for migrating detailed historical data from ANY legacy system, optimized for QuickBooks® Online & Desktop, NetSuite®, MIP, and Xero. With full dimensional mapping capabilities the system has proven to be 99.999% accurate on the 1st pass of error detection.

Historical Construction Data Conversion

The Construction Data Conversion Solution is a specialized, platform-independent service designed to seamlessly migrate data to Sage® Intacct Construction. Tailored for construction-related businesses, this solution ensures precise data conversion, maintaining uninterrupted operations throughout the transition.

Historical Master Data Cleanup

The Duplicate Suppression System is a stand-alone service to help customers create clean, non-duplicated master records in Sage Intacct. This is especially useful for setting up multi-entity shared environments with various entities that use many of the same vendors, employees, and customers.

Historical Subledger Conversion

This is one of our most exciting new developments to date! Now you can migrate virtually all of your historical data from QuickBooks® Desktop into the AP and AR subledgers of Sage Intacct®. This unique process allows for a few revolutionary benefits our space has not experienced before in a standard offering.

Monthly Data Conversion Service

This service is a great interim solution for you to move detailed transactions from a variety of legacy systems and into Sage Intacct® to meet your reporting and reconciliation requirements. The process works by having our internal team scope and assess the legacy data source and determine the data transfer schedule and format.

Marketplace Partner

Platform Transition™ is a Sage Intacct® Marketplace Partner. The Multi-Dimensional Data Conversion Solution™ is a workflow intended to quicken and ease the transition to Sage Intacct®.